Monday 2 August 2021

Which Sport is the Best?

With the Olympics well underway we have been looking at what sports or activities we think are the best. We planned and wrote some persuasive arguments to try to convince the reader to think about our favourites. 

One of our goals was to use capital letters correctly and to end sentences with a range of punctuation (full stops, question marks and exclamation marks). When we had finished, we highlighted the capitals in blue and punctuation marks in yellow

Have a read of these few and let us know what you think. Were some good arguments made? Were you convinced to try a new sport? 

Krish (Year 3)

Honor (Year 4)

Christopher (Year 3)

Toni (Year 4)

Jodece (Year 4)

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Te Ana Ako. Did anyone write about my favourite sport... mountain biking? I think the most persuasive points were for swimming. I agree that learning to swim is important to stay safe, especially as we live on an island. Also, great job with your punctuation and capital letters!


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